Price Reduction, across the software table!

Keeping Things Secure!

After a DEEP thought process, I have lower the price of our product significantly to get it out to everyone out  there!

Historically, and currently about the only way to encrypt a message and not have it quickly decrypted is in using an “unknown” book as your code base.  Our Primary Programs, CBManager and CBClient are based on a CodeBook system in which a CodeBook is generated by the CBManager App.  The CBManager user can send the CodeBook to other people and they can then send and receive coded messages to and from anyone that has that CodeBook.

The CBManager can generate as many CodeBooks as needed.

The CBClient can have as many uniquely named CodeBooks, from as many CBManager users as they have friendships with.  (There could be a conflict if one CBManager uses the same name as another CBManager for the name of the CodeBook generated, but that SHOULD be an infrequent thing we would think.)

We hope you enjoy your secure email communications using our apps to secure a text file and send it to the recipient(s)!

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  • 33
    You read that right!  As of TODAY!  You are now able to buy CBManager - Linux (V1) and CBClient - Linux (V1). CBManager is required to build CodeBooks for use, and you can make as many CodeBooks as you want.  Only one is needed, but if you have different teams,…
    Tags: cbmanager, cbclient, codebooks, codebook

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